Parker 850


Parker 850
Parker Ribs

Modern developments in outboard engines have fundamentally changed the leisure boat market. Former classic models are now being launched with a modern design and powered by revolutionary new outboard engines.


It is no wonder that boaters have fully embraced the advantages of outboard engines over sterndrives, given the low service and maintenance costs, excellent fuel economy, environmental benefits, comfort and operational reliability. Modern outboards have given rise to a revolution on the boat market!


And with this revolution, Parker is now able to build classic boat models, but now with a new and modern design. With an impressive range of modern technology, the new Parker 850 Voyager will lead the way for the outboard revolution. At the same time, the use of innovative outboard technology allows Parker to provide significantly lower service and maintenance costs for boaters.


This is the perfect daycruiser for up to 10 persons. It is also a great boat for weekend trips, catering comfortably for six persons, or four persons on longer trips. The cockpit is spacious and has flexible seating arrangements. There is a large bathing platform with its own sun-lounger, a sun-lounger in the cockpit, a proper pantry perfect for weekend or longer trips, berths for four to six persons under deck and a separate bathroom with toilet and shower.



This innovative technology involves vacuum infusion during moulding, vinyl ester, sandwich cores and multiaxial reinforcement to save weight, increase stiffness and improve comfort.

The hull features two steps to reduce friction, planning threshold and consumption, but also to increase top speeds.


Parker 850 Voyager

Długość całkowita
8,9 m
2,80 m
Waga bez silnika
2700 kg
Zbiornik paliwa
230 L
Zbiornik na wodę
70 L
Czarny zbiornik na wodę
40 L
Atest CE
Category C
Maksymalna moc
350 HP
Długość kadłuba
8.30 m
Wysokość od linii wodnej
1.96 m
Zanurzenie bez silnika
0.44 m
Wysokość (bez osprzętu)
2.4 m

Masz pytanie? Zadzwoń lub napisz.


Parker Poland Sp. z o.o.

  ul. Firmowa 30,

  05-152 Cząstków Polski, Poland


  +48 22 785 11 11

  +48 22 785 09 99

Podążaj za nami

Parker Poland Sp. z o. o.  realizuje projekt w ramach działania 3.4. dotacje na Kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020.
Celem projektu jest:” Dofinansowanie  do Kapitału Obrotowego – w związku ze spadkiem obrotów spowodowanych pandemią COVID-19, określonego  we wniosku o dofinasowanie nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0330/20”.
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 127 128,00 PLN